I'm facing an issue with favicon display in Next.js 14.0.2. The problem arose after I added internalization and changed my project structure. In short, this is my project structure:
- app
- [lang]
- _components
- _dictionaries
- dictionaries.ts
- layout.tsx
- page.tsx
- favicon.ico
After i moved all the general files from the app folder to the [lang] i created middleware to redirect user from / to /en or /ru depending on his locale:
import { match } from '@formatjs/intl-localematcher';
import Negotiator from 'negotiator';
function getLocale(request: any): string {
const headers = request.headers || {};
const acceptLanguageHeader = headers['accept-language'] || 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7';
const negotiator = new Negotiator({ headers: { 'accept-language': acceptLanguageHeader } });
const languages = negotiator.languages();
const locales = ['ru', 'en'];
const defaultLocale = 'ru';
return match(languages, locales, defaultLocale);
export function middleware(request: any) {
const { pathname } = request.nextUrl;
const locales = ['ru', 'en'];
const pathnameHasLocale = locales.some(
(locale) => pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) || pathname === `/${locale}`
if (pathnameHasLocale) return;
const locale = getLocale(request);
request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}${pathname}`;
return Response.redirect(request.nextUrl);
export const config = {
matcher: [
So now i have two favicon.ico GET-requests in the Network tab and the icon is not displayed on the tab in the browser. First returns 302 Found (at the localhost:3000/favicon.ico) and the next one returns 404 Not Found (now on the different url with locale path localhost:3000/en/favicon.ico). Any ideas to solve this problem? If necessary, I will supplement the question with the necessary listings and clarifications.
repo with code: https://github.com/mondevyat/next1402/
You need to exclude the favicon in the matcher in middleware.
matcher: [
Look here: nextjsMatcherDoc