I'd like to fetch Markdown files from another repository when building an astro site, but these Markdown files do not have the layout
frontmatter property.
Is there a way to 'force' markdown files to use a default layout without touching their frontmatter headers?
This is now possible with Content Collections.
Have your Markdown files wrapped in a collection, and have the corresponding [...slug].astro
file use the default layout.
import { getCollection } from "astro:content";
import DefaultLayout from "../layouts/DefaultLayout.astro";
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const entries = await getCollection("markdown");
return entries.map((entry) => ({
params: { slug: entry.slug },
props: { entry },
const { entry } = Astro.props;
const { Content } = await entry.render();
<DefaultLayout frontmatter={entry.data}>
<Content />