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streamlit only updates dataframe after every second change using st.data_editor

I am trying to change the value in a column based on changes made by the user in a different column with st.data_editor, and want to do it live on change. But the following code only works after 2 changes and only shows the initial change.

code is run by running streamlit run

from page import page


import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

boq_df = pd.DataFrame()

def update_dataframe():
    boq_df.loc[boq_df["ANALYZE"] == False, "TYPE"] = None

def page():
    global boq_df

    st.write("# Test")

    if st.button("Analyze", type="primary"):
        boq_df = pd.DataFrame(
                "ANALYZE": [True, False, True],
                "CAT": ["Car", "Truck", "Bike"],
                "TYPE": ["blue", False, "yellow"],
                "DESC": ["two door", "four door", "single"],

    if not boq_df.empty:
        boq_df = st.data_editor(boq_df, height=700, on_change=update_dataframe())


  • Do not use a global variable in streamlit. Streamlit always rerun the code from top to bottom when there is a change in the user interface. Instead use the built-in dictionary-like session_state.

    Also the on_change in the data editor is only useful when you add or delete a row. For editing, use the return value of the data_editor directly.

    I tried to fix your code.

    import streamlit as st
    import pandas as pd
    # Create a session variable
    if 'boq' not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state['boq'] = pd.DataFrame()
    def page():
        st.write("# Test")
        # If button is pressed, assign a pre-built dataframe to the variable.
        if st.button("Analyze", type="primary"):
            st.session_state['boq'] = pd.DataFrame(
                    "ANALYZE": [True, False, True],
                    "CAT": ["Car", "Truck", "Bike"],
                    "TYPE": ["blue", False, "yellow"],
                    "DESC": ["two door", "four door", "single"],
        # If variable is not empty, construct a data_editor.
        if not st.session_state['boq'].empty:
            edited_df = st.data_editor(
            # If column "ANALYZE" is set to False, set the value of
            # "TYPE" to None. Be sure to update column "TYPE" only if
            # there are changes to column "ANALYZE".
            is_equal = edited_df['ANALYZE'].equals(st.session_state['boq']['ANALYZE'])
            if not is_equal:
                edited_df.loc[edited_df["ANALYZE"] == False, "TYPE"] = None
                st.session_state['boq'] = edited_df  # update the variable
                # Set streamlit to rerun the script from top to bottom
                # to update the data editor.

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