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How can I check in C# if a Chart's annotations contain an annotation with a specific name using Linq

The Annotations object in Chart in C# is derived from a Collection<>, but I cannot use .Any() or .Find() methods on it for some reason.

So this does not work:

using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

Chart chart = new Chart();

// Your annotation name to search for
string annotationNameToFind = "YourAnnotationName";

// Check if the annotation exists with the given name
bool annotationExists = chart.Annotations.Any(annotation => annotation.Name == annotationNameToFind);

It has a method .Contains(), but I cannot use Linq with it.

How do I check if the annotations in a chart contain a specific annotation by name with Linq or something similar without using a for or foreach loop


  • Look at documentation there is FindByName Method.

    Returns An Annotation object, or null if the object does not exist

    var annotaion = chart.Annotations.FindByName(annotationNameToFind);
    bool annotationExists = annotaion is not null;

    Also, you can iterate over them With LINQ

    bool annotationExists = chart.Annotations.GetEnumerator().Any(annotation => annotation.Name == annotationNameToFind);