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Pandas Pivot Table returning no Values

I have a pandas data frame df that looks like this.

enter image description here

import pandas as pd
url = ""

df = pd.read_excel(url, engine='openpyxl')

df = df.iloc[5:-3]
df.columns = ['Variable', 'Date', 'Value']
m = df['Date'].isna()

df['Date'] += '-' + df['Variable'].ffill()
df['Variable'] = df['Variable'].where(m).ffill()


import numpy as np
# Reshape your dataframe
out = (df[~m].replace('...', np.nan)
             .pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Variable',
                          values='Value', sort=False)


This gives me only a Date column and no values.

0   January-1991
1   February-1991
2   March-1991
3   April-1991

What changes do I need to do to make it work?


  • The issue is that you pivot_table with numerical aggregation (mean by default), but your data is not numeric. First convert with to_numeric:

    out = (df[~m].assign(Value=lambda d: pd.to_numeric(d['Value'], errors='coerce'))
                 .pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Variable',
                              values='Value', sort=False)

    Excerpt of the output:

                   Date  WZ08-05 Mining of coal and lignite  WZ08-06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas  WZ08-08 Other mining and quarrying  WZ08-09 Mining support service activities  \
    0      January-1991                               415.7                                              186.6                                   113.8                                      358.6   
    1     February-1991                               409.6                                              187.7                                   114.6                                      360.3   
    2        March-1991                               402.8                                              188.6                                   115.5                                      361.0   
    3        April-1991                               397.0                                              189.6                                   116.6                                      361.3   
    4          May-1991                               391.1                                              190.7                                   117.7                                      361.8   
    ..              ...                                 ...                                                ...                                     ...                                        ...   
    388        May-2023                                26.2                                               61.5                                    88.2                                       60.7   
    389       June-2023                                25.2                                               60.8                                    87.4                                       66.6   
    390       July-2023                                24.3                                               60.1                                    86.7                                       72.5   
    391     August-2023                                23.4                                               59.5                                    85.9                                       78.1   
    392  September-2023                                22.4                                               58.7                                    85.2                                       83.8