I'm trying to create multiple instances in terraform,
some instances have only one network attached and some can have multiple networks attached.
I wrote the code below and it creates correctly the instances with only one network, but when create the instance with two networks, for example test-jammy2
create two separate instances one associated with network mgmt
and one associated with network be
instead to create a single instance with two networks associated mgmt
and be
locals {
servers = {
test-jammy1 = {
project_name = "myproject"
hostname = "test-jammy1"
net_ip = [""]
net_mac = ["00:00:00:00:00:00"]
net_type = ["dv"]
compute_flavor = "small"
image_type = "ipxe"
net_secgroup = "permit_all"
test-jammy2 = {
project_name = "myproject"
hostname = "test-jammy2"
net_ip = ["",""]
net_mac = ["00:00:00:00:00:02","00:00:00:00:00:03"]
net_type = ["mgmt","be"]
compute_flavor = "small"
image_type = "ipxe"
net_secgroup = "permit_all"
module "deploy" {
source = "./instances"
for_each = local.servers
project_name = each.value.project_name
hostname = each.value.hostname
net_ip = each.value.net_ip
net_mac = each.value.net_mac
net_type = each.value.net_type
net_secgroup = each.value.net_secgroup
compute_flavor = each.value.compute_flavor
image_type = each.value.image_type
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "compute_instance" {
count = "${length(var.net_type)}"
name = "${var.hostname}.mydomain.com"
availability_zone = "nova"
image_id = data.openstack_images_image_v2.image_type.id
flavor_id = data.openstack_compute_flavor_v2.compute_flavor.id
scheduler_hints {
group = openstack_compute_servergroup_v2.servergroup.id
network {
port = openstack_networking_port_v2.networks[count.index].id
resource "openstack_compute_servergroup_v2" "servergroup" {
name = var.hostname
policies = ["anti-affinity"]
resource "openstack_networking_port_v2" "networks" {
count = "${length(var.net_type)}"
name = "${var.net_type[count.index]}0.${var.hostname}.mydomain.com"
network_id = data.openstack_networking_network_v2.network[count.index].id
security_group_ids = [data.openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.secgroup.id]
mac_address = var.net_mac[count.index]
fixed_ip {
subnet_id = data.openstack_networking_subnet_v2.subnet[count.index].id
ip_address = var.net_ip[count.index]
How can fix it?
Thanks to all, I solved:
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "compute_instance" {
name = "${var.hostname}.mydomain.com"
availability_zone = "nova"
image_id = data.openstack_images_image_v2.image_type.id
flavor_id = data.openstack_compute_flavor_v2.compute_flavor.id
scheduler_hints {
group = openstack_compute_servergroup_v2.servergroup.id
network {
port = openstack_networking_port_v2.networks[0].id
depends_on = [ openstack_networking_port_v2.networks ]
resource "openstack_compute_servergroup_v2" "servergroup" {
name = var.hostname
policies = ["anti-affinity"]
resource "openstack_networking_port_v2" "networks" {
count = "${length(var.net_type)}"
name = "${var.net_type[count.index]}0.${var.hostname}.mydomain.com"
network_id = data.openstack_networking_network_v2.network[count.index].id
security_group_ids = [data.openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.secgroup.id]
mac_address = var.net_mac[count.index]
fixed_ip {
subnet_id = data.openstack_networking_subnet_v2.subnet[count.index].id
ip_address = var.net_ip[count.index]
# start from second index
resource "openstack_compute_interface_attach_v2" "interface_attach" {
for_each = {for idx, val in var.net_type : idx => val if idx > 0}
instance_id = openstack_compute_instance_v2.compute_instance.id
port_id = openstack_networking_port_v2.networks[each.key].id