A model is an object that has only state and no behavior, used in business logic.
Eloquent-ORM models fall under this definition. And under the same definition falls the PlotOptions class, which provides values for drop-down menus and has nothing to do with the database.
class PlotOptions {
public array $water = ["...", "...", "..."];
public array $gas = ["...", "..."];
public array $electricity = ["...", "...", "...", "..."];
public array $sewer = ["...", "...", "..."];
However, the Models directory is already reserved for ORM models.
How should such classes as PlotOptions be categorized and in which directory should they be stored?
I believe you can just create a folder in the app directory and put a namespace like
namespace App\ExampleFolder;
then you can access the class by using
use App\ExampleFolder\PlotOptions;