how do I express this SQL query in JooQ correctly? I do know about the arrayAggDistinct() DSL method, but I have trouble to express the row type.
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT (g.group_id, g.group_name)) AS grouped_groups,
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT (a.authority_id, a.authority)) AS grouped_authorities
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN group_members gm ON u.user_id = gm.user_id
LEFT JOIN groups g ON gm.group_id = g.group_id
LEFT JOIN group_authorities ga ON g.group_id = ga.group_id
LEFT JOIN authorities a ON ga.authority_id = a.authority_id
GROUP BY u.user_id;
EDIT I found, that this creates the correct query
val groupRow: Row2<Long?, String?> = row(GROUPS.GROUP_ID, GROUPS.GROUP_NAME)
val groupsField: Field<Record2<Long?, String?>> = PostgresDSL.rowField(groupRow)
val authorityRow: Row2<Long?, String?> = row(AUTHORITIES.AUTHORITY_ID, AUTHORITIES.AUTHORITY)
val authoritiesField: Field<Record2<Long?, String?>> = PostgresDSL.rowField(authorityRow)
val jooqQuery =
but the rowField method is marked deprecated and the suggested rowN alternative is not the right type to be used in arrayAggDistinct.
There are numerous issues requesting that Row[N]
types, which extend SelectField
, but not Field
, be accepted more generally throughout the API, see e.g.:
The main reason why these aren't widely supported by jOOQ is that it would be very difficult to convey to users that these things tend to work in PostgreSQL but hardly anywhere else, so e.g. Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server users would be constantly disappointed by problems arising from what the jOOQ API seemingly promises but doesn't deliver on.
Until there's a way to emulate these things thoroughly, your workaround using PostgresDSL
(or your own plain SQL templates) will have to do.