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What is the use of `regexp:Groups` and how to access it in ballerina regexp?

I need to know it what are the use cases of regexp:Groups object?


  • When we need to extract specific parts of the matched string we need capturing groups. By enclosing a portion of the regex pattern in parentheses, it forms a capturing group. The Groups type defined as below, in the ballerina regexp package helps to extract these specific parts.

    public type Groups readonly & [Span, Span?...];

    Groups is an intersection between readonly and a list of Span objects. The 0-th member of the list represents the matching substring for the full regular expression pattern. The i-th index member when i>1 will result in the sub string which matches the i-th capturing group.

    Let's say you need to match a string to date pattern like,DD-MM-YYYY. And you need to extract date, month and year values. In this kind of a scenario you can use capturing groups to extract these specific values. Below ballerina code will help you to understand it further.

    import ballerina/io;
    import ballerina/lang.regexp;
    public function main() {
        string date = "13-11-2023";
        regexp:Groups? result = re `(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})`.findGroups(date);
        if result is regexp:Groups {
            io:println(result[0].substring()); // 13-11-2023
            regexp:Span? day = result[1];
            if day !is () {
                io:println(day.substring()); // 13
            regexp:Span? month = result[2];
            if month !is () {
                io:println(month.substring()); // 11
            regexp:Span? year = result[3];
            if year !is () {
                io:println(year.substring()); // 2023