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Confused about namespaces and istio gateways

I'm confused about the practicality of k8s namespaces and istio gateways.

Let's say that I have a cluster that runs the workloads of 3 teams. Each team has a deployment that deploys an API. The API looks like:

I want to create a namespace per team, so that all the workloads belonging to a team will end up in their own namespace.

How do I configure the istio gateway?!

For my understanding I need an istio gateway per namespace, but how k8s knows which gateway needs to be used since the host is the same for all of them?


  • For ensuring all the workloads belong to a team,you can create 3 different namespaces and deploy each workload in 3 different namespaces.

    Let’s say I have created 3 namespaces:(I Am using GCP console)

    @cloudshell:~ $ kubectl create namespace team-a
    namespace/team-a created
    @cloudshell:~$ kubectl create namespace team-b
    namespace/team-b created
    @cloudshell:~$ kubectl create namespace team-c
    namespace/team-c created

    Deployed the workloads in 3 namespaces:


    So you will be having 3 API’s, Now create a istio gateway.

    Instead of creating a istio gateway you can create 3 virtual services where a single Istio Gateway has the host and routes the traffic to different VirtualServices based on the URL path. So try creating a virtual service for each team’s API.

    Attaching best practices document for more information.

    Edit :

    As per this blog by Dave, reference the gateway using a namespace/gateway-name syntax in virtual service