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How to Unit Test Delete operation using moq and xUnit?

I'm trying to Unit Test CRUD operations for an API in my WEB API project. I have a hard time figuring out how to do that for DELETE. Below is my service;

public async Task DeleteCompany(int id)
    var query = "DELETE FROM Companies WHERE Id = @Id";
    using(var connection = _context.CreateConnection())
        await connection.ExecuteAsync(query, new {id});

Here's the controller

public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteCompany(int id)
    var company = await _companyRepository.GetCompanyById(id);
    if (company == null)
        return NotFound();
    await _companyRepository.DeleteCompany(id);
    return NoContent();

And below is the code for Unit Testing

public async Task CompanyController_DeleteCompany_ShouldReturnStatusCode204(int id)
    var mockCompany = new Mock<ICompanyRepository>();
    mockCompany.Setup(service => service.DeleteCompany(id))

    var sut = new CompanyController(mockCompany.Object);

    var result = (OkObjectResult) await sut.DeleteCompany(id);


It turned out that it returns a null value of my model (Company in this example) after debugging. That's why the test doesn't pass and it gets to NotFound error in the controller.


  • You need to set up the Test Double's GetCompanyById method so that it doesn't return null:

    public async Task CompanyController_DeleteCompany_ShouldReturnStatusCode204(int id)
        var mockCompany = new Mock<ICompanyRepository>();
        mockCompany.Setup(service => service.GetCompanyById(id))
            .ReturnsAsync(/*pass non-null value here*/);
        var sut = new CompanyController(mockCompany.Object);
        var result = (OkObjectResult) await sut.DeleteCompany(id);
        mockCompany.Verify(service => service.DeleteCompany(id);

    On the other hand, you don't need to set up DeleteCompany as a verifiable action since it doesn't return anything anyway. Mocks for Commands, Stubs for Queries. Use mockCompany.Verify instead, as shown above.