Search code examples

Extract all values from JSON

I have some data that looks like this:

Data From Other Columns JSON Data
Data 1 JSON 1
Data 2 JSON 2

The JSON data looks like this:

    "status": "x"
    ,"campaigns": [
        {"channel": "channel_1", "name": "sample_1"}
        ,{"channel": "channel_2", "name": "sample2"}
        ,{"channel": "channel_3", "name": "sample_3"}

I need to create a query that gives me 1 row for every channel. Using JSON_QUERY() only gives me an output if the campaign has only 1 channel. In the example above, JSON_QUERY() would fail because there are 3 channels in the campaign.

        ,'lax $'
     ) AS test
FROM test

However, this only gets me the instances with only ONE channel and produces an error otherwise. I'd need to get every instance of a channel and name.

My expected output is:

Normal Data From Other Columns Channel Name
data_1 channel_1 sample_1
data_1 channel_2 sample_2
data_1 channel_3 sample_3
data_2 channel_1 sample_1
data_2 channel_2 sample_2
data_2 channel_2 sample_3

Any help is appreciated!


  • Personally I would just use the json_extract function with some casting (to array) and unnesting. For example:

    -- sample data
    with dataset (json_col) as (values ('{
        "status": "x","campaigns": [
            {"channel": "channel_1", "name": "sample_1"}
            ,{"channel": "channel_2", "name": "sample2"}
            ,{"channel": "channel_3", "name": "sample_3"}
    -- query
    select m['channel'] channel,
           m['name']    name
    from dataset
    , unnest(
        -- or array(map(varchar, json))
        cast(json_extract(json_parse(json_col), '$.campaigns') as array(map(varchar, varchar))) 
      ) as t(m);


    channel name
    channel_1 sample_1
    channel_2 sample2
    channel_3 sample_3