Using flutter SkSL warmup you can generate apk's using following command
flutter run --profile --cache-sksl
My Question is the same command will be used for build app bundle for android flutter build appbundle --cache-sksl
If anyone has some knowledge on this kindly guid me as I have never build app bundle with Sksl Warmup.
You have to first run on command line app and testing all screen to cach junk:
flutter run --profile --cache-sksl --purge-persistent-cache
It is better to do it on real device. After testing all screen, you have to : Press M at the command line you running the command below. It will show that it wrote :
Wrote SkSL data to ......\flutter_01.sksl.json.
Now you can use flutter_01.sksl.json for building :
flutter build appbundle --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json