i have two large hex numbers each one at least 70 digits (in decimal) and i am trying to calculate the value hex_a%hex_b:
string hex_a="1133A5DCDEF3216A63EB879A82F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB";
string hex_b="AAB3A5DCDEF3216A6AAA2F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB";
i try to convert the two hex numbers to decimal with stoi and store the value in string:
string a=to_string(stoi(hex_a, 0, 16));
but i am getting an error when using stoi method:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): stoi
Aborted (core dumped)
how can i calculate mod of two big numbers in c++ ?
You can utilize boost/multiprecision/cpp_int
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using boost::multiprecision::cpp_int;
int main() {
std::string hex_a = "0x1133A5DCDEF3216A63EB879A82F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB";
std::string hex_b = "0xAAB3A5DCDEF3216A6AAA2F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB";
cpp_int a(hex_a), b(hex_b);
cpp_int result = a % b;
std::cout << "Result as int: " << result << '\n';
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex << result;
std::string result_hex = ss.str();
std::cout << "Result as hex: 0x" << result_hex << '\n';
return 0;
Or GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP), which might be faster:
#include <gmp.h>
int main() {
mpz_t a, b, result;
mpz_set_str(a, "1133A5DCDEF3216A63EB879A82F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB", 16);
mpz_set_str(b, "AAB3A5DCDEF3216A6AAA2F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB", 16);
mpz_mod(result, a, b);
gmp_printf("Result as int: %Zd\n", result);
gmp_printf("Result as hex: Ox%Zx\n", result);
return 0;
Result as int: 887778964514700662847592530576646032246936850244260028835776
Result as hex: 0x8d6e6cdeb792c9d42b257481c738989f678484c94fd6b567c0
Confirmation of the same result in Python:
>>> hex_a = "0x1133A5DCDEF3216A63EB879A82F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB"
>>> hex_b = "0xAAB3A5DCDEF3216A6AAA2F5A1DC4490CCF6412492CF1B242DB"
>>> a = int(hex_a, 16)
>>> b = int(hex_b, 16)
>>> result = a % b
>>> print(f'Result as int: {result}')
Result as int: 887778964514700662847592530576646032246936850244260028835776
>>> print(f'Result as hex: 0x{result:x}')
Result as hex: 0x8d6e6cdeb792c9d42b257481c738989f678484c94fd6b567c0