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magento attributes in db

I'm in the process of migrating our Magento store to another platform. I'm trying to get all of the product attributes that are stored as text values.

I can't figure out which table this data is held. I've looked everywhere it seems. I have the db diagram from Magento's website, but it's not helping me.


It turns out what I was looking for was:

where eav_attribute.is_user_defined=1


  • The phrase

    get all of the product attributes that are stored as text values

    is unclear. However, here's how you can track down where any information is stores in a LAMP stack application.

    In a development environment (i.e. your local machine):

    Dump your database out to disk using the old, individual insert format

    mysqldump --skip-extended-insert -h db_server -u mysql_uname -p magento_db_name > before.mysql

    In the application, change the value of the data you're looking for.

    Dump your data out to disk again

    mysqldump --skip-extended-insert -h db_server -u mysql_uname -p magento_db_name > after.mysql

    Using your favorite diff tool, diff the database dumps.

    diff before.mysql after.mysql

    This will point out extra inserts needed after your operation, which in turn will let you know which tables contain the information you're after.