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Loading Properties from external location

Using springboot 3.1.5 and I need to keep .properties files external to the jar so I am starting my app with

java -jar --spring.config.location=file:path/to/directory/

this finds without an issue. But if I add file to the same directory, spring does not load that file. How can I tell Spring to load all the .properties files in that directory without having to list them all manually



  • You can import them programmatically via main method and set them into spring.config.import, this is a demonstration.

    public class ServiceParentApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                .filter(arg -> arg.startsWith("--spring.config.location=file:")) // Incase you read folder via args
                .map(arg -> arg.replace("--spring.config.location=file:", ""))
                .ifPresent(folder -> {
                    try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(Paths.get(folder))) {
                        var importFiles = paths
                            .map(file -> file.toString())
                            .filter(fileName -> fileName.endsWith("properties") || fileName.endsWith("properties") && !fileName.endsWith(""))
                                .map(fileName -> "optional:file:" + fileName)
                        System.setProperty("spring.config.import", importFiles);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  , args);

    Here is the document for Optional Locations . Also, if you don't use .properties file as the additional import, you can prefer configuration tree to import each file for each variable.

    Thank you @seenukarthi for the suggestion that I refer to build this.