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How do I replace an abstract method with an interface method?

I have a couple java files in a package stacks package.

The first one is an abstract class Stack class that has a public abstract void print() method in it.

The second one is a public interface FancilyPrint interface that has a void fancyPrint() method in it.

I am now working on a public class LinkedListStack extends Stack implements FancyPrint class.

How do I write a fancyPrint() method that satisfies the interface contract, without writing a useless void print() method from the abstract class? It is useless to have a standard print() method in this class due to it implementing the interface with its own fancyPrint() method. I don't remember how to do this.

Here are my classes for reference:

package stacks;

public abstract class Stack<AnyType>
    public abstract void push(AnyType data);

    public abstract AnyType pop();

    public abstract AnyType peek();

    public abstract boolean isFull();

    public abstract boolean isEmpty();

    public abstract void print();

package stacks;

import linkedlists.*;

public class LinkedListStack<SomeType> extends Stack<SomeType> implements FancyPrint
    LinkedList<SomeType> l = new LinkedList<>();
    public void push(SomeType data)

    public SomeType pop()
        return l.delete_head();

    public SomeType peek()
        return l.headData();

    public boolean isFull()
        return false;

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return l.isEmpty();

    public void fancyPrint()

    // I do not need this method for this class. I will need it for other classes
    // that extend the Stack abstract class.
    public void print()


FancilyPrint Interface:

package stacks;

public interface FancilyPrint
    void fancyPrint();


  • I think you should exclude print method from Stack class and create one more interface SimplePrintable having print method. So LinkedListStack will implement FancyPrintable but other classes will implement SimplePrintable.