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How can I retrieve the features a given coordinate point sits in?

I'm rendering a set of MultiPolygon features from a GeoJSON file uploaded to Mapbox Studio to my custom map style.

I would like to know if the user is currently located within one of those features and retrieve its id and properties.

I found queryRenderedFeatures but this doesn't work, it returns success([]) with no results. I suspect it expects canvas/screen coordinates but I need to use geo coordinates.

This is how I'm calling it:

let features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(
  with: [CGPoint(x: 46.231944, y: 10.826111)],
  options: RenderedQueryOptions(layerIds: ["micro-regions"], filter: nil),
  // this print returns `success([])`
  completion: { matches in print(matches) }

// features is `MBXCancelableProxy`

This is how I setup the style: enter image description here


  • If you have geographic coordinates and need to convert them to screen coordinates, you should be able to use points() in the MapboxMap class.

    See if this helps your queryRenderedFeatures call return the correct features.

    Another option is the Tilequery API, which you can pass a geographic point to. It will return features that are near that point for any tileset, and include a distance value in the response. If the distance to a polygon is 0, it means the point lies within the polygon.