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OpenCV puttext curved text printing

I am trying to print text in curved way instead of straight line using opencv puttext function. Can lineType supports curve option instead of cv2.LINE_AA? Any other alternatives available to print curved text on an image?

Syntax: cv2.putText(image, text, org, font, fontScale, color[, thickness[, lineType[, bottomLeftOrigin]]])

image: It is the image on which text is to be drawn.
text: Text string to be drawn.
org: It is the coordinates of the bottom-left corner of the text string in the image. The coordinates are represented as tuples of two values i.e. (X coordinate value, Y coordinate value).
font: It denotes the font type. Some of font types are FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, , etc.
fontScale: Font scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size.
color: It is the color of text string to be drawn. For BGR, we pass a tuple. eg: (255, 0, 0) for blue color.
thickness: It is the thickness of the line in px.
lineType: This is an optional parameter.It gives the type of the line to be used.
bottomLeftOrigin: This is an optional parameter. When it is true, the image data origin is at the bottom-left corner. Otherwise, it is at the top-left corner.

Return Value: It returns an image.


  • No, cv::putText() does not support that.