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Trouble with math fonts in XeLaTeX

I want to use the "Gentium Plus" font for writing mathematical work (in math mode). Added \usepackage{fontspec} and \usepackage{unicode-math}.

When compiling XeLaTeX it gives an error:

   ! Package unicode-math Error: No main maths font has been set up yet.
   (unicode-math) If you simply want ‘the default’, use:

and writes math using "Latin Modern Math".

How can I force the use of "Gentium Plus" for math and completely prohibit the transition to the default font (it would be better to have ▯ instead of symbols)?




\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, thmtools, unicode-math}
\setmathfont{Gentium Plus}


\title{Mathematical text}

\section{Section name}

Lorem ipsum

\alpha + \beta = \gamma + \delta.



  • How can I force the use of "Gentium Plus" for math and completely prohibit the transition to the default font (it would be better to have ▯ instead of symbols)?

    There does not seem to be a Gentium Plus math font available. You won't get happy with writing math if you don't have any symbols etc.

    Some alternatives:


    You could use the mathastext package to use letters and numbers from the normal text font in math mode:

    % !TeX TS-program = xelatex
    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, thmtools}
    \setmainfont{Gentium Plus} 
    \title{Mathematical text}
    \section{Section name}
    Lorem ipsum2
    abcxyz \itshape abxzyx2
    abcxyz2 \alpha + \beta = \gamma + \delta.

    enter image description here


    You could use the mathspec package to load Gentium Plus for letters and digits:

    % !TeX TS-program = xelatex
    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, thmtools}
    \setmainfont{Gentium Plus} 
    \setmathfont(Digits,Latin,Greek){Gentium Plus}
    \title{Mathematical text}
    \section{Section name}
    Lorem ipsum2
    abcxyz \itshape abxzyx2
    abcxyz2 \alpha + \beta = \gamma + \delta.

    enter image description here

    Combine with an actual math font

    Instead of the Frankenstein approaches above, you could also pair your font with a real math font, e.g. XCharter might work well with it and you'll get matching symbols etc.

    % !TeX TS-program = xelatex
    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, thmtools}
    \setmainfont{Gentium Plus} 
    \title{Mathematical text}
    \section{Section name}
    Lorem ipsum2
    abcxyz \itshape abxzyx2
    abcxyz2 \sum \int \alpha + \beta = \gamma + \delta.

    enter image description here