I am using the diffeqpy package to use implicit solver from Julia in python in order to solve a DAE problem. While I was checking different values during the calculation, I noticed that the solver starts integrating from t=0 and eventually goes to the next time point t1>0, but jumps back to t=0 after a few iterations. After a while it jumps to the next time point t2>t1 and keeps going like this until t successfully reaches the specified end t=tend.
The solver I use is given below:
dae_prob = de.DAEProblem(daefun,dy_dt_0,y0,tspan,differential_vars=differential_vars) sol = de.solve(dae_prob,de.DImplicitEuler(autodiff=False))
Can anybody tell me why the solver always jumps back to t=0 (is it because of the implicit way of solving the DAE problem) and how does it effect the solution calculated by the solver if some parameters/variables depend on t ?
This is expected. ODE/DAE solvers will often jump around in time (especially if you have callbacks that they need to find the time of when the callback happened). Specifically, I believe what you are obsreving is that the nonlinear solve that occurs in implicit methods generally has to evaluate the function a bunch of times at both the beginning and end of the step it is trying to take.
Lastly, you probably don't want to be using DImplicitEuler
. For implicit DAEs, DFBDF
or IDA
(from Sundials.jl
) will likely be faster. Furthermore, switching to the mass matrix formulation would let you use solvers like Rosenbrock23
thta will likely be faster still.