formKey's state is getting changed in a child component, formKey's value is up to date in the console but the formik is not taking the updated values.
initialValues={formKey===1? initialValues: formKey===2? profileUrlsInitialValues: csvFileInitialValues}
onSubmit={() => {}}
validationSchema={formKey===1? addLeadsValidationSchema: formKey===2? profileUrlsValidationSchema: uploadCsvValidationSchema}
i have tried using switch case and passing one function but it is not working, creating form's based on formKey value is not a good practice in code writing so is there something from which i can update the values?
There is a prop for that, you can use enableReinitialize
If initialValues
changes its value on next render, it will reset the form. The values are not copared by reference, it uses deep equality