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How to mock a Sequence with a GUID Parameter using moq C#

I have the following concrete code:

 var allBookedPos = await _dataService.GetAllBookingsForVendorInAwitingApproval(purchaseOrder.VendorCode);

 foreach (var booking in allBookedPos)
     // get the purchase order
     var po = await _purchaseOrderDataService.GetPurchaseOrderOnlyByIdAsync(booking.PurchaseOrderId);

I've set my first mock to populate allBookedPos with:

BookingDataAccessMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllBookingsForVendorInAwitingApproval("A1248").Result).Returns(viewBookings);

This holds 2 records.

I'm now trying to mock the GetPurchaseOrderOnlyByIdAsync method, where the value passed in is a GUID.

Because I essentially want this method called twice I thought I'd be able to use setupSequence in the form:

PurchaseOrderDataMock.SetupSequence(X => X.GetPurchaseOrderByIdAsync(It.IsAny<Guid>)).Returns().Returns()

Where I populate each return with the values that I expect returned for each item. However, I get an error on It.IsAny<Guid> :

Argument 1 cannot convert from method group to system.Guid


  • It.IsAny is a method. You must invoke the method to get a new matcher instance:
