RAD Studio 12.0 has been released, and they supposedly upgraded C++Builder to Clang 15, but I can't find the module feature of C++20, is there any explanation?
The Clang 15 upgrade only applies to the Windows 64bit preview compiler, not to the rest of C++Builder's compilers, which are still based on Clang 3.3 and 5.0.
Per C++Builder 12.0's documentation:
RAD Studio provides the following Clang-enhanced C++ compilers:
Compiler Platform Clang Version LLVM Version BCC32C 32-bit Windows 5.0 5.0 BCC32X 32-bit Windows 5.0 5.0 BCC64 64-bit Windows 5.0 5.0 BCC64X 64-bit Windows 15.0 15.0 BCCIOSARM64 64-bit iOS 3.3 3.5 BCCAARM Android 3.3 3.3
Modern C++ Language Features Compliance Status
Note: C++2c is expected to be C++26.
Note: BCC64X is currently a Preview. The below status is aspirational but untested and is not a guarantee of the final support. BCC64X uses C++17 as its default language level, and the initial release is not planned to support higher language levels. To compile to C++2c, run bcc64x with
Note: C++23 is partially supported by the Clang version that BCC64X is based on and the C++ RTL and STL (libc+) that it uses. We expect that any language feature supported by both the Clang and the libc++ in versions 15 and earlier, work correctly. But it is not supported, even at the unsupported level that a Preview implies. However, the Preview of the BCC64X compiler currently aims at C++17 as its language standard. You can use
to change the target language compliance.
Note: C++20 is partially supported by the Clang version that BCC64X is based on and the C++ RTL and STL (libc++) that it uses. We expect that any language feature supported by both the Clang and the libc++ in versions 15 and earlier, work correctly. But it is not supported, even at the unsupported level that a Preview implies. However, the Preview of the BCC64X compiler currently aims at C++17 as its language standard. You can use
to change the target language compliance.
There is currently no mention in the documentation of support for specific features that are introduced after C++17.