I want to enable Push notification for my application in order to "raise" the application from the background during a call (or when it is closed, but this is not so important anymore) and I met this mCore.pushNotificationEnabled property at Core and had questions:
mCore.pushNotifications Enabled = true
then I don't need to write my PushRegistry in AppDelegate ? Is there anything else to add to this?/// Callback prototype for notifying the application a push notification was
/// received.
/// On iOS it only works with pushkit (VoIP) pushes.
/// - Parameter core: LinphoneCore object
/// - Parameter payload: the body of the push notification, if any
func onPushNotificationReceived(core: Core, payload: String)
but in my project I don't quite understand how to call it, since even xcode doesn't find it by search
if I do so mCore.pushNotifications Enabled = true then I don't need to write my PushRegistry in AppDelegate ?
According to https://wiki.linphone.org/xwiki/wiki/public/view/Lib/Features/Push%20notifications/, indeed you don't need to write your PushRegistry.
func onPushNotificationReceived(core: Core, payload: String)
This is a delegate from the CoreDelegate. That means you can add a delegate on the Core listening for the push in your app.
Maybe you could benefit from the iOS tutorials, especially the one related to push notifications.