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"No matching signature found" error in python scipy ndimage.label() function used with boolean array

I have a boolean array to indicate dry days:


0        False
1        False
2        False
3        False
4        False
15336    False
15337    False
15338    False
15339    False
15340    False
Name: budget, Length: 15341, dtype: object

The number of False and True values are:


False    14594
True       747
Name: budget, dtype: int64

I want to find contiguous periods of dry days (where dry_bool=True). Using the ndimage.label() function by the scipy package

import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

events, n_events = ndimage.label(dry_bool)

gives me the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[76], line 2
      1 # Find contiguous regions of dry_bool = True
----> 2 events, n_events = ndimage.label(dry_bool)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/ndimage/, in label(input, structure, output)
    216         return output, maxlabel
    218 try:
--> 219     max_label = _ni_label._label(input, structure, output)
    220 except _ni_label.NeedMoreBits as e:
    221     # Make another attempt with enough bits, then try to cast to the
    222     # new type.
    223     tmp_output = np.empty(input.shape, np.intp if need_64bits else np.int32)

File _ni_label.pyx:202, in _ni_label._label()

File _ni_label.pyx:239, in _ni_label._label()

File _ni_label.pyx:95, in _ni_label.__pyx_fused_cpdef()

TypeError: No matching signature found

which I cannot wrap my head around. Any clue what's going on?

There are definitely consecutive dry days, as you can see when I read the indices of the True values in the dry_bool array:

dry_idcs = [i for i, x in enumerate(dry_bool) if x]

[165, 205, 206, 214, 229, 230, 262, 281, 292, 301]


  • In your first code snippet it says dtype: object, even though it's supposed to be an array of data type boolean (not object). Given that your error message gives you a TypeError, maybe that's the problem?

    You could try explicitly converting the data type of your array:

    dry_bool = dry_bool.astype(bool)

    If you provide more of your code (e.g. how you create/populate the array dry_bool) it's easier to figure out what exactly the problem is.