Search code examples

how to use karate.match in javascript

given the following scenario:

 Scenario: check if the array contains a string

  * def condition = 
  var myFile = "computer3.jpg"
  var getAttachment = ["computer3.jpg"]
  var isFound = karate.match(getAttachment + " contains " + myFile)
  karate.log("is Found", isFound)
  return isFound.pass
  * def r = call condition

I have the following error:

ReferenceError: "computer3" is not defined

How can I check if an array contains some values inside javascript using karate.match.


  • The following solution worked for me

    Scenario: prova 2
      * def condition = 
      var myFile = "computer3.jpg"
      var getAttachment = ["computer3.jpg"]
      var temp = "['" + getAttachment+ "'] contains '" + myFile+"'"
      var isFound = karate.match(temp)
      karate.log("is Found:", isFound)
      return isFound.pass
      * def r = call condition