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How can one perform the equivalent Microsoft Graph Query using the SDK in C#?

Given a group ID, I wish to retrieve the DisplayName (only) for the group. Using the online Microsoft Graph Explorer, I can do this.

I want to do it from an application in C#. The problem is that there seems to be no way of specifying the $select parameter (highlighted), since the call graphServiceClient.Groups.GetByIds uses POST, and no arguments to PostAsync allow the specification of query parameters.

Is this even possible? It seems like it should work since the call succeeds from the Microsoft Graph Explorer.

What I have tried:

var groups = await graphServiceClient.Groups.GetByIds
    .PostAsync(new() { Ids = ids, Types = new() { "group" } }, null, cancellationToken)
return groups?.Value?.Select(d => ((Microsoft.Graph.Models.Group)d).DisplayName);

works in that it gets ALL the properties including DisplayName. I want to get just DisplayName.

Microsoft Graph Query using Graph Explorer


  • Looks like an issue in SDK. Could you please report the issue here:

    As a workaround you can modify query parameters of a request before the request is sent.

    var requestInformation = graphClient.DirectoryObjects
                Ids = ids, 
                Types = new() { "group" } 
    requestInformation.QueryParameters["%24select"] = new[] { "displayName" };
    requestInformation.UrlTemplate += "{?%24select}";
    var result = await graphClient
        .SendAsync<GetByIdsResponse>(requestInformation, GetByIdsResponse.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue);