I have an adafruit qt py esp32-s2 that i accidently put in ciruitpython mode which means that i cant upload any arduino code to it. Idk why this happends all i know is that i need to be able to upload arduino code to it, otherwise i need to buy a new one.
I tried to put the board in download mode by holding the BOOT button and pressing RST and then releasing the BOOT button. Then i flashed my code to the board, which works. Then i pressed the RST button and the board shows a purple light, a red light and then a green light before the board opens a new drive on the computer that is called QTPYS2BOOT or something like that.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Well it turned out that the Partition Scheme was not set to Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS)