I want every time I upload a PDF file to my site, instead of the default WordPress path, my file will be saved in a different path.
For this purpose, I have placed the following filter in the functions.php
function custom_upload_directory( $file ) {
// Check if the file is a PDF
if ( $file['type'] == 'application/pdf' ) {
// Set the upload directory to a custom location
$file['url'] = '/wp-content/uploads/test-for-pdf/' . $file['name'];
$file['error'] = false;
return $file;
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_directory' );
By placing this filter, the PDF file is uploaded correctly in WordPress, but it is saved in its default path and no file is uploaded in the path I want.
You can try the following, although I haven't tested it.
function custom_upload_directory( $file ) {
// Check if the file is a PDF
if ( $file['type'] == 'application/pdf' ) {
// Set the upload directory to a custom location
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'pdf_upload_dir' );
return $file;
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_directory' );
function pdf_upload_dir($param){
$mydir = '/test-for-pdf';
$param['path'] = $param['basedir'] . $mydir;
$param['url'] = $param['baseurl'] . $mydir;
remove_filter( 'upload_dir', 'pdf_upload_dir' );
return $param;