I have a Rails model called VideoEventBundle
which contains individual events. This is associated with a VideoMeasurement
model via foreign key, and the VideoMeasurement
model itself is one of the possible polymorphic child models of Measurement
SQL schema:
CREATE TABLE public.video_event_bundles (
id bigint NOT NULL,
video_measurement_id bigint,
events jsonb DEFAULT '[]'::jsonb
CREATE TABLE public.video_measurements (
id bigint NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE public.measurements (
id bigint NOT NULL,
customer_id bigint NOT NULL,
actable_type character varying,
actable_id bigint
Now, in the context of an API that primarily returns measurements, I also want to export all video event bundles that belong to the measurements a user has selected/filtered. For that I have a general method that sets @measurements
to an ActiveRecord relation based on the user's filters. For instance:
@measurements = Measurement.where(customer_id: params[:customer_id])
To get the actual event bundles, I used to have this query:
"SELECT video_event_bundles.*
FROM video_event_bundles
JOIN video_measurements ON video_event_bundles.video_measurement_id = video_measurements.id
JOIN measurements ON video_measurements.id = measurements.actable_id
WHERE measurements.actable_type = 'VideoMeasurement'
AND measurements.id IN (?)
The problem is that this returns an array of objects, and not an ActiveRecord relation. The issue with that is that in the case of unfiltered measurements, that array would be huge. Since the API is paginated, I need to be able to pass limit/offset to that method, and consequently, I have to actually return an ActiveRecord relation.
Now I've seen multiple questions here related to returning that from a raw SQL query:
But I can't manage to use the (?)
parameter to actually replace the IDs:
sql = <<-SQL
SELECT video_event_bundles.*
FROM video_event_bundles
JOIN video_measurements ON video_event_bundles.video_measurement_id = video_measurements.id
JOIN measurements ON video_measurements.id = measurements.actable_id
AND measurements.id IN (?)
VideoEventBundle.select("*").from("(#{sql}) AS video_event_bundles", @measurements.select(:id))
This raises the error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 5: AND measurements.id IN (?)
I guess I can't work my way around this by starting the query with @measurements.join(…)
It should be possible to just use:
.joins(video_measurement: :measurement)
.where(measurement: { id: @measurements.select(:id) })
If not we can definitely accomplish your needed SQL using AR's builtin mechanisms and a little bit of Arel:
measurement_table = Measurement.arel_table
vm_table = VideoMeasurement.arel_table
measurement_join = measurement_table.join(vm_table)
.where(measurements: {id: @measurements.select(:id)})
This will result in
INNER JOIN video_measurements
ON video_event_bundles.video_measurement_id = video_measurements.id
INNER JOIN measurements
ON video_measurements.id = measurements.actable_id
AND measurements.actable_type = 'VideoMeasurement'
measurements.id IN (
measurements.customer_id = 1234