So I have been starting on some php recently and made a page where people can type a text and then when they click save everyone on that page sees that text displayed under somewhere, after the text gets writen to the txt file by a php code I use another php code in my home page code that gets the text and 'echoes' it onto my page.
This code looks like that:
$bestand = fopen("tekst.txt", "r");
$tekst = fread($bestand, filesize("tekst.txt"));
echo "<p style='
margin-top: 5%;
color: #04AA6D;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
' id='tekst'>" . $tekst . "</p>";
The tekst file looks like this:
But when it echoes it onto my page it all gets put into one string. like this: Test Test Test Test
what is the easiest way to force php to add line breaks where they need to be. Any help would be really nice as im just starting out on php and I really cant find a answer.
Following my previous comment and @Álvaro González comment, you can maybe try this:
$tekst = file_get_contents("tekst.txt");
$tekst = htmlspecialchars($tekst);
$tekst = nl2br($tekst);
echo "<p style='
margin-top: 5%;
color: #04AA6D;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
' id='tekst'>" . $tekst . "</p>";