I need to 'pivot' an array of arrays like this:
mytable = [
[117, 12, 'wer'],
[117, 23, 'hgr'],
[42, 33, 'hgj'],
[910, 27, 'sfr'],
[910, 31, 'mhn'],
[910, 98, 'wlc'],
[453, 11, 'nlj'],
[453, 65, 'nfg'],
[312, 17, 'fyg'],
[312, 44, 'gfn']
into a nested dict, like this:
mytree = {
117: [[12, 'wer'], [23, 'hgr']],
42 : [[33, 'hgj']],
910: [[27, 'sfr'], [31, 'mhn'], [98, 'wlc']],
453: [[11, 'nlj'], [65, 'nfg']],
312: [[17, 'fyg'], [44, 'gfn']]
This first column is what will be pivoted and used as the branch
, under which there will be joined - as an array of one or more arrays - all of the original arrays less the first element (which is 'promoted' to 'parent'). Think Excel Pivot Table.
This does not work:
mytree = {}
for arr in mytable:
toadd = {arr[0]: [[arr[1], arr[2]]}
I accept I may need to change the exact output structure to include more quoted key names if the example above is not accepted as valid object syntax.
You can use setdefault
method from dict
mytree = {}
for (k, *arr) in mytable:
mytree.setdefault(k, []).append(arr)
>>> mytree
{117: [[12, 'wer'], [23, 'hgr']],
42: [[33, 'hgj']],
910: [[27, 'sfr'], [31, 'mhn'], [98, 'wlc']],
453: [[11, 'nlj'], [65, 'nfg']],
312: [[17, 'fyg'], [44, 'gfn']]}
Or with defaultdict
from collections
from collections import defaultdict
mytree = defaultdict(list)
for (k, *arr) in mytable:
>>> mytree
{117: [[12, 'wer'], [23, 'hgr']],
42: [[33, 'hgj']],
910: [[27, 'sfr'], [31, 'mhn'], [98, 'wlc']],
453: [[11, 'nlj'], [65, 'nfg']],
312: [[17, 'fyg'], [44, 'gfn']]})