Search code examples

How can I aggregate rows in order?

I have this query:

SELECT p.*, po.product_options
    FROM product p
    LEFT JOIN  (
        SELECT po.p_id, 
                  json_build_object('id',, 'name',, 'options', pom.option_name)) AS product_options
        FROM product_options po
        INNER JOIN (
          SELECT product_options_id, json_agg(option_name) as option_name
          FROM product_options_value
          GROUP BY product_options_id
          ) pom ON pom.product_options_id =
        GROUP BY p_id
    ) po ON po.p_id =
WHERE = 1;

Here is a db fiddle:!17/b47e3b/8

Now I want to order rows from the table product_options by the column s_position. I get:

ERROR: column "po.s_position" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

But if I add the column to GROUP BY, I get 2 rows instead of just one. How can I order by s_position at the table product_options so that I still get the same result, but with ordered options?


  • After aggregating all rows from product_options per p_id in the subquery, trying to order by product_options.s_position would be ambiguous. Hence the error message you saw.

    To aggregate rows from product_options in the order set by s_position:

    SELECT *
    FROM   product p
    LEFT  JOIN (
       SELECT po.p_id AS id
            , json_agg(json_build_object('id', id, 'name', name, 'options', pom.option_name)
                       ORDER BY po.s_position) AS product_options  -- !
       FROM   product_options po
       JOIN  (
          SELECT product_options_id AS id, json_agg(option_name) AS option_name
          FROM   product_options_value
          GROUP  BY 1
          ) pom USING (id)
       GROUP  BY 1
       ) po USING (id)
    WHERE = 1;


    Alternatively, you might order rows in an additional subquery, which is typically faster. See: