I have a configuration file which has some lines commented out with a '#' which looks like this.
Now I get some variables from another place in the code which are stored in a dictionary. Values that appear in the config should be commented in and, if necessary, adjusted to their value
mydict = {
"model":"bar", # <- uncommented+adjusted
"size":"small", # <- uncommented
"working":"y", # <- untouched
"newValue":"new" # <- not added
The file should look something like this, after it was edited:
Technically you could do it by loading your config file line by line, checking if value is present in dict and if so replacing values and uncommenting like that:
new_lines =[]
with open(config_path, "r") as file:
for line in file:
name = line.split('=')[0].replace('#', '')
if name in my_dict:
Then you could write it to config file:
with open(config_path, "w") as file:
for line in new_lines:
file.write(line + "\n")
But I think the better way would be just to use your dictionary as a config and in case of missing parameter checking in config file (it should be less messy).