I'm trying to create an Aurora Serverless v2 DB cluster with CDK, and creating the database right after the cluster is provisioned. I have this code:
const dbSecurityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, `AuroraSecurityGroup-${config.Environment}`, {
vpc: this.vpc, // use the vpc created above
allowAllOutbound: true, // allow outbound traffic to anywhere
// allow inbound traffic from anywhere to the db
ec2.Port.tcp(5432), // allow inbound traffic on port 5432 (postgres)
'allow inbound traffic from anywhere to the db on port 5432'
// create a db cluster
// https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/20197#issuecomment-1117555047
const dbCluster = new rds.DatabaseCluster(this, `DbCluster-${config.Environment}`, {
engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.auroraPostgres({
version: rds.AuroraPostgresEngineVersion.VER_15_2,
serverlessV2MinCapacity: config.AuroraConfig.ServerlessV2MinCapacity, //default is 0.5
serverlessV2MaxCapacity: config.AuroraConfig.ServerlessV2MaxCapacity, // default is 2
instances: config.AuroraConfig.Instances,
instanceProps: {
vpc: this.vpc,
instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('serverless'),
autoMinorVersionUpgrade: true,
publiclyAccessible: false,
securityGroups: [dbSecurityGroup],
vpcSubnets: this.vpc.selectSubnets({
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED, // use the public subnet created above for the db
port: 5432, // use port 5432 instead of 3306
// add capacity to the db cluster to enable scaling
visit(node) {
if (node instanceof rds.CfnDBCluster) {
node.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration = {
minCapacity: 0.5, // min capacity is 0.5 vCPU
maxCapacity: 1, // max capacity is 1 vCPU (default)
let dbClusterArn = `arn:aws:rds:${this.region}:${this.account}:cluster:${dbCluster.clusterIdentifier}`
const createDatabase = new cr.AwsCustomResource(this, "RDSCreateDatabase", {
policy: cr.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
resources: cr.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE,
logRetention: RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK,
onCreate: {
service: "RDSDataService",
action: "executeStatement",
physicalResourceId: cr.PhysicalResourceId.of(
parameters: {
resourceArn: dbClusterArn,
secretArn: dbCluster.secret?.secretArn,
sql: "CREATE DATABASE database OWNER postgres;",
However, when deploying this I'm getting Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: HttpEndpoint is not enabled for cluster stack-dev-dbclusterdevc49f8bef-ndxhnjvzrltl . Please refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/data-api.html#data-api.troubleshooting
Upon some research I found that the data api is not available for Aurora Serverless V2... How should I go about creating the database?
You would have to create a Lambda function that runs once, just to create the database.
Although, if you are doing all this just to create a single database in your Aurora cluster, please be aware that you could simply pass a value for the default_database_name
parameter in your rds.DatabaseCluster
and RDS/Aurora will create the database for you automatically when the cluster is created.