When there is no selection, I would like to have an opacity setting that is different from what is specified in the condition.
You can see below that when there are no selections, opacity is equal to 1 for all points—despite the mark property. I would like to be able to do the following:
I thought perhaps the empty
property would help but it can only have the values True
or False
(I'm using Altair 5.1.1).
single = alt.selection_point(on='click', fields=['account_name'], empty=True)
gaussian_jitter = (
alt.Chart(df_melt, title="Primary Customer Characteristics")
.mark_point(size=50, opacity=.6, filled=True)
y=alt.Y("customer_characteristic:N", title="Customer Characteristics"),
x=alt.X("z_scores:Q", title="Z Scores"),
color=alt.condition(single, 'customer_characteristic', alt.value('lightgray')),
opacity=alt.condition(single, alt.value(1), alt.value(.1)),
size=alt.condition(single, alt.value(50), alt.value(10)),
# tooltip=alt.Tooltip(id_vars, bandPosition=0.5),
# Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform
Yes! I found a way to do this as follows:
Layer two charts
Use two different selections, setting one to empty=True
and one to empty=False
Set the size and opacity conditions to, in effect, treat one layer as invisible until a point is clicked.
I'd love to know if there is an easier way to accomplish this 🙌.
default_selection = alt.selection_point(on='mouseover', fields=['account_name'], empty=True)
point_selection = alt.selection_point(on='mouseover', fields=['account_name'], empty=False)
base_chart = (
alt.Chart(title="Primary Customer Characteristics")
y=alt.Y("customer_characteristic:N", title="Customer Characteristics"),
x=alt.X("z_scores:Q", title="Z Scores"),
# tooltip=alt.Tooltip(id_vars),
# Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform
default_chart = base_chart.encode(
color=alt.condition(default_selection, 'customer_characteristic', alt.value('lightgray')),
opacity=alt.condition(default_selection, alt.value(.4), alt.value(.2)),
size=alt.condition(default_selection, alt.value(75), alt.value(10))
color=alt.condition(point_selection, 'customer_characteristic', alt.value('lightgray')),
opacity=alt.condition(point_selection, alt.value(1), alt.value(0)),
size=alt.condition(point_selection, alt.value(300), alt.value(10)),
(default_chart + point_chart).properties(data=df_melt, height=400, width=800)