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List comparison "==" vs "in" with elementtree

I have an XML I am parsing, and two elements have the same name, but require a unique value for each out of two options. I am able to get the code to function as I would like, however I am not sure why one method works (in) and the other does not (==).

XML snippet:



schema_val = ['Value1', 'Value2']

for ele in root.findall(".//{*}metaMetadata"):
    m_schema = ele.findall("lom:metadataSchema",ns)

    m_schema_check = [i for i in schema_val if i in m_schema[0].text]
    if m_schema_check:
        for i in m_schema_check:
            if m_schema[1].text in schema_val:

This works as I would like it to, but I am trying to understand why it only works when I have in , and when I have == the code doesn't function and skips the print.


  • Edit: Would you like compare xml list values with your schema value list? If the order of the list elements doesn't matter you can sort() the lists before comparison:

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    xml_str = """<metaMetadata>
    tree = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
    l = [c.text for c in tree.findall('.//metadataSchema')]
    schema_val = ['Value2', 'Value1']
    if l.sort() == schema_val.sort():

    Output: true