After upgrading to the new Xcode 15, I'm trying to run or build the app in iOS on the iPhone 15 pro max simulator but I face this error:
ARC Semantic Issue (Xcode): No known class method for selector 'mapIDWithIdentifier:'
ARC Semantic Issue (Xcode): No known class method for selector 'mapWithFrame:mapID:camera:'
The version of google_maps_flutter is 2.5.0, I tried to downgrade and upgrade it but nothing happened.
I cleared the cache many times, upgraded the pods, and did many things like flutter clean, cache clean, cache repair and so on.
I upgraded the flutter version of the app to 3.13.6 because I thought it's the problem but nothing new happened.
I solved the problem by going inside the .pub_cache files and removed the google_maps_flutter_ios-2.3.1, I think It's not the right solution but it made it work right now and didn't find any other solution.