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How to generate multiple values of CSS property using SCSS?

How to generate the following CSS in SCSS for given count n?

  linear-gradient(#FFF 1, transparent 0),
  linear-gradient(#FFF 2, transparent 0),
  linear-gradient(#FFF n, transparent 0);

  0px center,
  1px center,
  npx center;

(This is just a simple useless example for demonstration.)


  • You can write a function containing a for-loop to build up a list by appending a new comma separated value in each iteration.

    @function gradient-n($n){
      $sequence: ();
      @for $i from 1 through $n {
        $new: linear-gradient(#FFF $i, transparent 0);
        $sequence: append($sequence, $new, comma);
      @return $sequence;
    .foo {
        background-image: gradient-n(5);