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Drotek - GPSD and NTRIP Correction data for precise positioning

I need centimeter precision using a GPS Antenna and a Drotek - ZED-F9P board. The board is connected via its usb interface to a linux machine. And with gpsd installed and the command cgps -s one can see the latitude and longitude but it varies by a lot due to the missing correction data. The question is, how would one implement a NTRIP Client to read the correction data (in my case from SAPOS) and input it into gpsd. As far is I know gpsd doesnt support that out of the box.

I already tried to use rtklib -> rtkrcv / navi but couldnt really get the first one to work. With the first one, I couldnt really find documentation on how to setup the conf file and for the latter, it could connect to the SAPOS NTRIP caster but couldnt find the antenna / board. Or well it could, but it just wouldnt display any data (lat, lon, alt).


  • You can pass the ntrip caster url as argument like so ntrip://foo:[email protected]:80/example-stream, as mentioned in manual. You can also add it to GPSD_OPTIONS="" field in /etc/default/gpsd configuration file. Then you will need to restart gpsd service like sudo systemctl restart gpsd.service.