Search code examples

Assign the row sequence for each customer from the row where amount is greater than zero

I want to assign the row sequence for each customer from the row where amount is greater than zero. sequencing always should start from the row where amount is zero. Here is sample data with expected output (expected_sequence).

customer trans_date Amount expected_sequence
1 2023-01-01 $0 null
1 2023-02-01 $100 1
1 2023-03-02 $200 2
2 2023-01-01 $100 1
2 2023-02-01 $0 2
2 2023-03-02 $150 3
3 2023-01-01 $0 null
3 2023-02-01 $0 null
3 2023-03-02 $150 1
4 2023-01-01 $0 null
4 2023-02-01 $0 null
4 2023-03-02 $0 null


  • You could use a subquery to fetch the date of first transaction per customer and start sequencing from that date on.

    WITH    --  S a m p l e   D a t a :
            (   Select 1, DATE '2023-01-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 1, DATE '2023-02-01', 100 From Dual Union All
                Select 1, DATE '2023-03-02', 200 From Dual Union All
                Select 2, DATE '2023-01-01', 100 From Dual Union All
                Select 2, DATE '2023-02-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 2, DATE '2023-03-02', 150 From Dual Union All
                Select 3, DATE '2023-01-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 3, DATE '2023-02-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 3, DATE '2023-03-02', 150 From Dual Union All
                Select 4, DATE '2023-01-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 4, DATE '2023-02-01', 0 From Dual Union All
                Select 4, DATE '2023-03-02', 0 From Dual 
    --    M a i n   S Q L :
              Sum(Case When t.TRANS_DATE >= f.FIRST_TRANS_DATE Then 1 End) 
                    Over(Partition By t.CUSTOMER Order By t.CUSTOMER, t.TRANS_DATE 
                         Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And Current Row) "SEQ"
    From      tbl t
    Left Join ( Select    CUSTOMER, Min(TRANS_DATE) "FIRST_TRANS_DATE"
                From      tbl
                Where     AMOUNT > 0
                Group By  CUSTOMER
              ) f ON(f.CUSTOMER = t.CUSTOMER)
    Order By  t.CUSTOMER, t.TRANS_DATE
    /*      R e s u  l t :
    --------  ----------  --------  -------
           1  2023-01-01         0     null
           1  2023-02-01       100        1
           1  2023-03-02       200        2
           2  2023-01-01       100        1
           2  2023-02-01         0        2
           2  2023-03-02       150        3
           3  2023-01-01         0     null
           3  2023-02-01         0     null
           3  2023-03-02       150        1
           4  2023-01-01         0     null
           4  2023-02-01         0     null
           4  2023-03-02         0     null         */