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How do I get the date a Mamba environment was created?

I'd like to see the date I made a mamba environment on my linux machine. I can't find anything in the docs for this. I tried the following command, but it didn't give me the info I wanted: mamba env export --from-history -n moose_peacock

Any suggestions (other than detective work with package version release dates)?


  • Conda Metadata

    Conda environments1 keep metadata in the ${CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta folder and specifically the first line of the ${CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta/history file records the date of the first transaction (creation).

    Example: Single Environment

    Let's create an environment and then check the first few lines of the history file:

    Interactive (Activating) Environment

    $ mamba create -n foo
    $ mamba activate foo
    (foo) $ head -n3 ${CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta/history
    ==> 2023-11-06 23:59:57 <==
    # cmd: /Users/user/miniconda3/bin/mamba create -n foo
    # conda version: 23.7.4

    Single-Line Command with Conda Run

    $ mamba run -n foo bash -c "head -n3 \${CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta/history"
    ==> 2023-11-06 23:59:57 <==
    # cmd: /Users/user/miniconda3/bin/mamba create -n foo
    # conda version: 23.7.4

    Script for All Environments

    The following bash script will list this information for all non-base environments:

    #!/bin/bash -l                                                                                                                        
    _CONDA_PREFIX=$(conda run -n base bash -c "echo \${CONDA_PREFIX}")
    for env in ${_CONDA_PREFIX}/envs/*; do
        if [ -d "$env" ]; then
            echo "Environment: $(basename $env)"
            head -n3 "$env/conda-meta/history"
            echo " "

    which can be run with:

    bash -l

    [1]: The term "Mamba environment" is a misnomer. Mamba is an interface for Conda environments - it's all still Conda.