I'm having the hardest time figuring out NavigationStacks in SwiftUI. I have a MVP example below from Apple's documentation on NavigationStack. What I would like to do is have a button that would all me to pop all the way back to the root if I select it instead of having to hit the back button a bunch of times if I'm multiple pages into it.
Can you please show me how to do this or tell me what I'm not understanding about the NavigationStack
import SwiftUI
// Pushable stack
struct PushableStack: View {
@State var path: [Recipe] = []
@StateObject var dataModel = DataModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
List(Category.allCases) { category in
Section(category.localizedName) {
ForEach(dataModel.recipes(in: category)) { recipe in
NavigationLink(recipe.name, value: recipe)
.navigationDestination(for: Recipe.self) { recipe in
RecipeDetail(recipe: recipe)
// Helpers for code example
struct RecipeDetail: View {
@EnvironmentObject private var dataModel: DataModel
var recipe: Recipe
var body: some View {
Text("Recipe details go here")
ForEach(recipe.related.compactMap { dataModel[$0] }) { related in
NavigationLink(related.name, value: related)
// I would like to have a Button here
// Button(action: {
// Go all the way back to the root
// }) {
// Text("Dummy Value 1")
// }
class DataModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var recipes: [Recipe] = builtInRecipes
func recipes(in category: Category?) -> [Recipe] {
.filter { $0.category == category }
.sorted { $0.name < $1.name }
subscript(recipeId: Recipe.ID) -> Recipe? {
// A real app would want to maintain an index from identifiers to
// recipes.
recipes.first { recipe in
recipe.id == recipeId
enum Category: Int, Hashable, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Codable {
case dessert
case pancake
case salad
case sandwich
var id: Int { rawValue }
var localizedName: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .dessert:
return "Dessert"
case .pancake:
return "Pancake"
case .salad:
return "Salad"
case .sandwich:
return "Sandwich"
struct Recipe: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
var category: Category
var ingredients: [Ingredient]
var related: [Recipe.ID] = []
var imageName: String? = nil
struct Ingredient: Hashable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var description: String
static func fromLines(_ lines: String) -> [Ingredient] {
lines.split(separator: "\n", omittingEmptySubsequences: true)
.map { Ingredient(description: String($0)) }
let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = {
var recipes = [
"Apple Pie": Recipe(
name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert,
ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(applePie)),
"Baklava": Recipe(
name: "Baklava", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Bolo de Rolo": Recipe(
name: "Bolo de rolo", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Chocolate Crackles": Recipe(
name: "Chocolate crackles", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Crème Brûlée": Recipe(
name: "Crème brûlée", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Fruit Pie Filling": Recipe(
name: "Fruit Pie Filling", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Kanom Thong Ek": Recipe(
name: "Kanom Thong Ek", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Mochi": Recipe(
name: "Mochi", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Marzipan": Recipe(
name: "Marzipan", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Pie Crust": Recipe(
name: "Pie Crust", category: .dessert,
ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(pieCrust)),
"Shortbread Biscuits": Recipe(
name: "Shortbread Biscuits", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Tiramisu": Recipe(
name: "Tiramisu", category: .dessert,
ingredients: []),
"Crêpe": Recipe(
name: "Crêpe", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
"Jianbing": Recipe(
name: "Jianbing", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
"American": Recipe(
name: "American", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
"Dosa": Recipe(
name: "Dosa", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
"Injera": Recipe(
name: "Injera", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
"Acar": Recipe(
name: "Acar", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Ambrosia": Recipe(
name: "Ambrosia", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Bok l'hong": Recipe(
name: "Bok l'hong", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Caprese": Recipe(
name: "Caprese", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Ceviche": Recipe(
name: "Ceviche", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Çoban salatası": Recipe(
name: "Çoban salatası", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Fiambre": Recipe(
name: "Fiambre", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Kachumbari": Recipe(
name: "Kachumbari", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
"Niçoise": Recipe(
name: "Niçoise", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
recipes["Apple Pie"]!.related = [
recipes["Pie Crust"]!.id,
recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.id,
recipes["Pie Crust"]!.related = [recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.id]
recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.related = [recipes["Pie Crust"]!.id]
return Array(recipes.values)
let applePie = """
¾ cup white sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ teaspoon lemon zest
7 cups thinly sliced apples
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon butter
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
4 tablespoons milk
let pieCrust = """
2 ½ cups all purpose flour
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. sea salt
½ cup shortening
½ cup butter (Cold, Cut Into Small Pieces)
⅓ cup cold water (Plus More As Needed)
struct PushableStack_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
You could try this approach, passing path
as a Binding
and setting it to []
, to go back to the root (Categories) view.
struct RecipeDetail: View {
@Binding var path: [Recipe] // <--- here
@EnvironmentObject private var dataModel: DataModel
var recipe: Recipe
var body: some View {
Text("Recipe details go here")
ForEach(recipe.related.compactMap { dataModel[$0] }) { related in
NavigationLink(related.name, value: related)
// I would like to have a Button here
Button(action: {
// Go all the way back to the root
path = [] // <--- here
}) {
Text("Go back to Categories")
and call
RecipeDetail(path: $path, recipe: recipe)