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observe json object changes in emberjs template

How to observe json object changes in ember template, here's my test code, I expect to show jsonChange button after I click updateJson, but it didn't


<button {{on "click" this.updateJson}} >updateJson</button>
{{#if this.testJsonChanges}}


export default class TestController extends Controller {
  @tracked testjson = {key1:'value1', key2:'value2'};
  @action updateJson() {
    this.testjson.key1 = 'valuex';
  get testJsonChanges() {
    return this.testjson.key1 != 'value1';


  • @tracked only applies to references, much like const is only constant on references -- if you want changes of properties to be tracked, you'll need to use TrackedObject

    import { TrackedObject } from 'tracked-built-ins';
    export default class TestController extends Controller {
      testjson = new TrackedObject({key1:'value1', key2:'value2'});
      @action updateJson() {
        this.testjson.key1 = 'valuex';
      get testJsonChanges() {
        return this.testjson.key1 != 'value1';