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Access data from global scope from inside function scope

I want to get random number and passing it between functions. I tried to tag $randId in user_edit.php?session= but when I tag the same variable $randId into user_add.php?session=, I cannot get the same random number; I just get nothing.

I need a way of passing the same random number value between functions into user_add.php?session=

function get_user_edit_link() {
    $url = "http://". $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $x = pathinfo($url);

    $MIN_SESSION_ID = 1000000000;
    $MAX_SESSION_ID = 9999999999;
    $randId = mt_rand($MIN_SESSION_ID, $MAX_SESSION_ID);
    $randId = mt_rand($MIN_SESSION_ID, $MAX_SESSION_ID);

    return $ee = $x['dirname'] . 'user_edit.php?session='. $randId;

function get_user_add_link() {
    $url = "http://". $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $x = pathinfo($url);
    return $ee = $x['dirname'] . 'user_add.php?session='. $randId;


  • You can try to create global variable and access it in each function. For example -

    $MIN_SESSION_ID = 1000000000;
    $MAX_SESSION_ID = 9999999999;
    $randId = mt_rand($MIN_SESSION_ID, $MAX_SESSION_ID);
    function get_user_edit_link() {
        global $randId;

    this way it becomes accessible in both functions, allowing you to share the same random number between them.