I have 2 applescripts... one called 'App' and one called 'Shell'. I want to be able to reference the name of the 'App' script within the 'Shell' script. What I've found so far is if the 'Shell' script reads anything with me in it, it seems to reference itself, instead of the 'App' script.
-- App.scpt
set appName to name of me
tell application "System Events"
set appScript to (load script file (POSIX file "/Path/To/App.scpt"))
run appScript
return appName
end tell
I've tried varying alternatives of what's written above with results such as errors, missing values, or 'Shell', which is incorrect... Any help would be much appreciated!
The term me
always refers to the script that is currently being executed. The load script
command returns the specified compiled script as a script object, which is treated as if it were local, i.e. the same as if it were in the script that loaded it.
AppleScript has historically saved the values of script properties and globals in the script file itself (unless it has been made read-only), so that they will retain their values from the previous run. When using the load script
command, you have access to all the handlers and properties/global variables of that script. The Script Editor can get in the way if you try to use it to set these initial values (as the script will be run locally), so you can use another AppleScript instance such as the Script Menu or osascript
to run the app.scpt to set its initial values. Personally, I would set up App.scpt to be more flexible by accepting command line arguments, and include an initialization handler to (re)set whatever desired values:
# script containing properties/globals/handlers to be loaded by another script - initialized via command line
property myPath : missing value
property myName : missing value
global testing -- global variables can also be used
on run args -- arguments passed via command line
if args is not {} then
if (count args) is 1 and (args as text) is "init" then
-- handle any other CLI arguments
end if
end if
-- other script stuff
end run
to init()
set testing to "This is some testing text." & return & "Some testing text this is."
set myPath to (path to me) -- alias
set myName to (name of me)
-- (re)set any other properties and/or global variables
end init
on testDialog(theTitle, theText)
display dialog (theText as text) with title (theTitle as text) -- whatever
end testDialog
# script to get get property/global values from a loaded script, initializing as needed
set scriptPath to POSIX path of (choose file) -- or wherever
set theScript to (load script scriptPath)
if theScript's myPath is missing value then error "script was not initialized" -- check for a value
on error errmess
log errmess
do shell script "osascript " & quoted form of scriptPath & " init" -- initialize
set theScript to (load script scriptPath) -- reload to get current values
end try
display dialog (theScript's myPath) as text with title (theScript's myName) -- display values from loaded script
tell theScript to testDialog("Test", theScript's testing) -- use handler in loaded script
Note that the load script
command is from Standard Additions and scripts and applications have a name
property, so you do not need to use System Events for those.