I am trying to create a RestClient at runtime, One of the properties I want to set seems to be a Bool Array. RestClient.RedirectsWithGET
Below is the properties of RedirectWithGET that I want to set but dont understand how.
I have tried FRESTClient.RedirectsWithGET := (Post301,Post302,Post303,Put303,Delete303);
and many other variances. But no luck. How can I set this at runtime?
Try something like this
RestClient1.RedirectsWithGET := [THTTPRedirectWithGET.Post301,
The reason why you need to prefix each value with THTTPRedirectWithGET
is because those values are part of THTTPRedirectWithGET
set. But RestClient.RedirectsWithGET
expects a set of type THTTPRedirectsWithGET
which is actually a set of THTTPRedirectWithGET