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"Copy" Data from one attribute to another for all documents in collection [mongoDB

I have a DB which inherits some thousands of documents. In these documents are translations. They look like this:

 "id" : "1234",
 "translations" : {
    "en": "Mrs.",
    "it": "Signora",
    "de": "Frau"

Now I want to "copy" the "de" translation and set a new attribute with the values of "de".

It should look like this:

 "id" : "1234",
 "translations" : {
    "en": "Mrs.",
    "it": "Signora",
    "de": "Frau",
    "de_formal": "Frau" //= "de".value

I'm not quite sure how to achieve this. My attempt was something like this:

db.translations_test.updateMany({}, {$set : {"translations.de_formal" : db.translations_test.find({}, { "" : ""})}}, false, true);


  • You can access the value in your updateMany by using the $ as follows:

    db.translations_test.updateMany({}, [ {$set: {"translations.de_formal": "$"} } ]);