I am ingesting application load balancer logs into Loki using lambda-promtail. This works great, however, the default labels only include the account and load balancer ID. I would like to use the S3 prefix as a label to use as variable in Grafana (I could use the domain as a filter but this doesn't really work for my use case).
I have searched through the docs and Github but have been unable to find a way to do this.
Promtail does not send the S3 key
or prefix
by default. You need to modify the Lambda code yourself. I added an example implementation but haven't tested it myself.
Firstly, extracting the prefix from the S3 event.
func getLabels(record events.S3EventRecord) (map[string]string, error) {
labels := make(map[string]string)
labels["key"] = record.S3.Object.Key
// Define a regular expression to find the prefix before "AWSLogs"
prefixRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*?)AWSLogs`)
prefixMatch := prefixRegex.FindStringSubmatch(labels["key"])
// The first submatch is the entire match, and the second one is the captured group
labels["prefix"] = prefixMatch[1]
labels["bucket"] = record.S3.Bucket.Name
labels["bucket_owner"] = record.S3.Bucket.OwnerIdentity.PrincipalID
labels["bucket_region"] = record.AWSRegion
for key, p := range parsers {
if p.filenameRegex.MatchString(labels["key"]) {
if labels["type"] == "" {
labels["type"] = key
match := p.filenameRegex.FindStringSubmatch(labels["key"])
for i, name := range p.filenameRegex.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 && name != "" && match[i] != "" {
labels[name] = match[i]
if labels["type"] == "" {
return labels, fmt.Errorf("type of S3 event could not be determined for object %q", record.S3.Object.Key)
return labels, nil
Then adding the prefix as a label.
func parseS3Log(ctx context.Context, b *batch, labels map[string]string, obj io.ReadCloser, log *log.Logger) error {
parser, ok := parsers[labels["type"]]
if !ok {
if labels["type"] == CLOUDTRAIL_DIGEST_LOG_TYPE {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("could not find parser for type %s", labels["type"])
gzreader, err := gzip.NewReader(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(gzreader)
ls := model.LabelSet{
model.LabelName("__aws_log_type"): model.LabelValue(parser.logTypeLabel),
model.LabelName("__aws_s3_prefix"): model.LabelValue(labels["prefix"]),
model.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("__aws_%s", parser.logTypeLabel)): model.LabelValue(labels["src"]),
model.LabelName(fmt.Sprintf("__aws_%s_owner", parser.logTypeLabel)): model.LabelValue(labels[parser.ownerLabelKey]),
ls = applyLabels(ls)
// ...
The data sent by default with lambda-promtail
are the log line from the S3 object and attached labels, for example:
__aws_log_type = s3_lb
The service that created the log__aws_s3_lb = my-alb
: The resource that created the log__aws_s3_lb_owner = 123456789
: The AWS account ID of the S3 bucket.You can also attach static hardcoded values in EXTRA_LABELS.